How Do We Get Started?
1. Fill out the LEAP application below.
Upon acceptance, we'll set up a 30-minute Zoom, phone, or in-person meeting, so we can ensure your in the right program. We want to learn about you, your business and goals. We’ll go over your business needs and upcoming projects. The retainer program is typically for repeat clients, so if we haven't yet worked together, we will begin with a thorough review of your business’ branding, website graphics, and other design materials first.
On the application, feel free to select a program if you think you have a clear view of what you want. Based on demand, we will notify you if you have been selected to join our LEAP program.
2. First payment.
Once the paperwork is completed and the first retainer fee is paid, we setup all your projects goals for the month, and get to work. From there, we utilize your retainer hours on a weekly basis to maximize your progress. At the end of each month, we will have a 30 minute conference call or video chat to review the next month's priorities. Payment for the month ahead will be due on the last Friday of each month.
3. Repeat.
We will repeat the process every month for the remainder of the months you select.
4. Reevaluate.
At the end of your contract, we will review the program to see if you want to adjust the number of hours reserved each month before signing again.